
HomepagePeer-rewied French and Belgain Journal founded in  1973 by François Perroux (Collège de France), Mondes en développement publish article in French or English. 

This Journal focused on the different way of country's developement.  It has a humanist approach (ethics in developement economics, human ressources development), but also economics (co operation, globalization, poverty and developement, migrations,…), sectoral (industry, agriculture, technology transfer,…), financial (development financing, debt, microfinance,…). This journal pays a special attention to institutional issue (governance), civil society in a sustainable development perspective.

Opened to a multidisciplinary approach, Mondes en développement promotes theoritical and applied debates around economic developement. 

Published by De Boeck  this Journal is available on  CAIRN.  This Journal is ranked by CNRS & AERES and is available on ECONLIT       


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BETA-CNRS Nancy, Université de Lorraine
Faculté de Droit, Sciences Économiques et Gestion
13, place Carnot
CO 700 26
54035 Nancy cedex

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